
The TCPController module, contained in the file, is a crucial component of the Robot Controller system. It defines the TCPController class, responsible for managing TCP communication with the robot.

Class: TCPController


  • robot_host: The IP address of the robot for TCP communication.
  • robot_port: The port number for TCP communication.
  • robot_socket: The TCP socket for communication with the robot.
  • auto_reconnect: A boolean flag indicating whether automatic reconnection is enabled (default is True).
  • bot: A reference to the main Bot instance for communication and control.
  • bp: An instance of the BetterPrinting class for improved console printing.


__init__(self, robot_host, robot_port, bot_instance)

Initializes the TCPController instance.

  • Parameters:
    • robot_host: The IP address of the robot for TCP communication.
    • robot_port: The port number for TCP communication.
    • bot_instance: Reference to the main Bot instance.


Establishes a connection to the robot via TCP.

send_json_data(self, json_data)

Sends JSON-formatted data to the robot over the established TCP connection.

  • Parameters:
    • json_data: The JSON-formatted data to be sent.


Closes the TCP connection with the robot.


The TCPController class is designed to work in conjunction with the Bot class and manages the TCP communication with the robot. It provides methods for connecting, sending data, and closing the connection.