
The DataHandler module, contained in the file, is a crucial component of the Robot Controller system. It defines the DataHandler class, responsible for processing incoming data and translating it into appropriate commands for the robot.

Class: DataHandler


  • stopFront: A flag indicating if there is an obstacle in front of the robot.
  • stopLeft: A flag indicating if there is an obstacle on the left of the robot.
  • stopRight: A flag indicating if there is an obstacle on the right of the robot.
  • stopFrontRight: A flag indicating if there is an obstacle in the front-right of the robot.
  • stopFrontLeft: A flag indicating if there is an obstacle in the front-left of the robot.
  • bot: A reference to the main Bot instance for communication and control.
  • bp: An instance of the BetterPrinting class for improved console printing.


__init__(self, bot_instance)

Initializes the DataHandler instance.

  • Parameters:
    • bot_instance: Reference to the main Bot instance.

handle_stopFlag_data(self, data)

Processes incoming stop flag data and takes appropriate actions.

  • Parameters:
    • data: Dictionary containing stop flag data.

handle_buzzer_data(self, data)

Processes incoming buzzer data and sends corresponding commands to the robot.

  • Parameters:
    • data: Dictionary containing buzzer data.

handle_lightbar_data(self, data)

Processes incoming lightbar data and sends corresponding commands to the robot.

  • Parameters:
    • data: Dictionary containing lightbar data.

handle_direction_data(self, data)

Processes incoming direction data and translates it into motor control commands for the robot.

  • Parameters:
    • data: Dictionary containing direction data.

Movement Control Methods

These methods process specific directional commands and send corresponding motor control commands to the robot.

  • drive_forward(speed)
  • drive_right_forward(speed)
  • drive_left_forward(speed)
  • drive_backward(speed)
  • drive_right_backward(speed)
  • drive_left_backward(speed)
  • drive_right(speed)
  • drive_left(speed)
  • spin_right(speed)
  • spin_left(speed)
  • drive_curve_right_forward(speed)
  • drive_curve_left_forward(speed)
  • drive_curve_right_backward(speed)
  • drive_curve_left_backward(speed)

    Each of these methods takes a speed parameter and sends the appropriate motor control commands based on the specific movement.


The DataHandler class is designed to work in conjunction with the Bot class and handles the interpretation of incoming data, ensuring appropriate actions are taken to control the robot’s movements.