
The AppControlHandler module, contained in the file, is a critical component of the Robot Controller system. It defines the Bot class, responsible for managing connections, processing incoming commands, and controlling the robot’s movements. The class is designed to be instantiated with parameters related to TCP and WebSocket connections, as well as print preferences.

Class: Bot


  • i_print: A boolean flag indicating whether informational prints are enabled (default is True).
  • d_print: A boolean flag indicating whether debugging prints are enabled (default is True).
  • e_print: A boolean flag indicating whether error prints are enabled (default is True).
  • tcpc: An instance of the TCPController class for managing TCP communication with the robot.
  • dh: An instance of the DataHandler class for processing incoming data.
  • websocket_controller: An instance of the WebSocketController class for managing WebSocket communication.


__init__(self, tcp_ip, tcp_port, web_ip, web_port, info_print=True, debug_print=True, error_print=True)

Initializes the Bot instance.

  • Parameters:
    • info_print: Flag for enabling/disabling informational prints (default is True).
    • debug_print: Flag for enabling/disabling debugging prints (default is True).
    • error_print: Flag for enabling/disabling error prints (default is True).
    • tcp_ip: IP address for TCP communication.
    • tcp_port: Port number for TCP communication.
    • web_ip: IP address for WebSocket communication.
    • web_port: Port number for WebSocket communication.
  • Usage:
    my_bot = Bot(tcp_ip, tcp_port, web_ip, web_port, info_print, debug_print, error_print)

startTCPConection(self, ip, port)

Starts the TCP connection.

  • Parameters:
    • ip: IP address for TCP connection.
    • port: Port number for TCP connection.


Starts the DataHandler module.

startWebsocket(self, web_ip, web_port)

Starts the WebSocket connection.

  • Parameters:
    • web_ip: IP address for WebSocket connection.
    • web_port: Port number for WebSocket connection.


Stops all robot movements.

Movement Control Methods

These methods provide various movement commands for the robot.

send_motor_data(self, motor1, motor2, motor3, motor4)

Sends motor control data to the robot.

  • Parameters:
    • motor1: Speed for motor 1.
    • motor2: Speed for motor 2.
    • motor3: Speed for motor 3.
    • motor4: Speed for motor 4.

send_lightbar_data(self, isEffect, red, green, blue, effect, speed)

Sends lightbar control data to the robot.

  • Parameters:
    • isEffect: Flag indicating if it’s an effect.
    • red, green, blue: RGB color values.
    • effect: Effect type.
    • speed: Speed of the lightbar.

send_buzzer_data(self, onBuzzer)

Sends buzzer control data to the robot.

  • Parameters:
    • onBuzzer: Flag indicating if the buzzer should be turned on.

Script Execution

The script can be executed from the command line with the following arguments:

python tcp_ip tcp_port web_ip web_port [info_print] [debug_print] [error_print]
  • tcp_ip: IP address for TCP communication.
  • tcp_port: Port number for TCP communication.
  • web_ip: IP address for WebSocket communication.
  • web_port: Port number for WebSocket communication.
  • [info_print], [debug_print], [error_print]: Optional flags for enabling/disabling prints (default is True).


```bash python 4200 5000 True True True