
The BetterPrinting module, contained in the file, is a utility module that enhances console printing by adding color-coding to different types of messages.

Class: BetterPrinting


  • RESET: Resets the text color to the default.
  • RED: Sets the text color to red for error messages.
  • GREEN: Sets the text color to green for informational messages.
  • YELLOW: Sets the text color to yellow for debugging messages.


__init__(self, onInfo=True, onDebug=True, onError=True)

Initializes the BetterPrinting instance.

  • Parameters:
    • onInfo (optional, default is True): Boolean flag indicating whether informational messages should be printed.
    • onDebug (optional, default is True): Boolean flag indicating whether debugging messages should be printed.
    • onError (optional, default is True): Boolean flag indicating whether error messages should be printed.

info_print(self, message)

Prints an informational message to the console with green color-coding.

  • Parameters:
    • message: The message to be printed.

debug_print(self, message)

Prints a debugging message to the console with yellow color-coding.

  • Parameters:
    • message: The message to be printed.

error_print(self, message)

Prints an error message to the console with red color-coding.

  • Parameters:
    • message: The message to be printed.


To use the BetterPrinting class in your code, create an instance and use its methods for improved console printing. Example:

# Create an instance with default settings
bp = BetterPrinting()

# Print an informational message
bp.info_print("This is an informational message")

# Print a debugging message
bp.debug_print("This is a debugging message")

# Print an error message
bp.error_print("This is an error message")


The BetterPrinting class provides a simple and effective way to enhance console output by adding color-coded messages. It can be integrated into other modules, such as the DataHandler, TCPController, and WebSocketController classes, to improve the readability of log messages.